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  • Pavi

Pads for Progress: Supporting Period Dignity in Our Community

For centuries, menstrual health has been swept under the carpet. But Pavi is breaking the stigma and bringing this vital aspect of women's well-being to light.

The WHY?

Through a series of targeted drives between August 2023 and January 2024, Pavi has reached over 830 women and girls in Kodagu's Haadis (settlements of the tribes) and neighboring areas.

Aligning with our commitment to sustainability, we distributed reusable cloth pads, empowering women with a long-lasting solution for period care. This not only promotes menstrual hygiene but also minimizes environmental impact.

At Pavi, we believe that menstrual health is an essential aspect of a woman's well-being. Yet, for many women and girls in Kodagu's underprivileged communities, a fundamental right remains out of reach. Why you wonder? 

  • A Deep-Rooted Stigma: Silence and shame surround menstruation, creating a barrier to open conversations and access to resources.

  • Limited Hygiene Options: Lack of access to proper sanitation facilities and period products can significantly impact a woman's health and dignity.

  • Educational Disruption: Period-related anxieties and limited access to hygiene products often lead to girls missing school, hindering their education and future opportunities.

The HOW:

In partnership with Free Pads For India, we conducted six successful drives across seven Haadis. These drives went beyond product distribution. We held workshops in local languages to educate participants on basic hygiene and sanitation practices, fostering a deeper understanding of menstrual health management.

The initiative's effectiveness is evident in its reach to remote communities. Let us tell you a little about it:

  1. Kumbara Katte: Our first ever drive was just the right driving force for our mission as we successfully distributed reusable cloth pads to 70 women in the Kumbara Katte region. 

  2. Thattekere Drive: Our aim wasn’t just to discreetly distribute the pads but to encourage and initiate a conversation in and around menstrual health, hygiene and everything about it without the “hush hush” that is usually attached to the topic. This led to the women and young girls speaking up about their general queries regarding periods and even concerns that they were facing. To conclude this workshop, in partnership with the Anganwadi and Vijayalakshmi College we distributed reusable cloth pads to 120 women and girls, marking another milestone in our passion project.

  3. Vadrumade & Palada: After two successful drives, our next two drives in Vadrumade & Palada, proved to be just as impactful, resulting in 88 women in Vadrumade becoming more aware about the importance of menstrual hygiene, helping them understand why they need to use the reusable cloth pads provided as it makes it easier for them to manage their periods in comparison to the age old practices of using old rags and other products that have been found to be harmful to the body.

  4. Kottageri: With each drive proving to be more & more effective it gave us the boost we needed to keep going and this drive was our biggest motivation, with 225 women being a part of the drive conducted in Kottageri. All women, old and young came forward to put forth their queries and concerns regarding menstrual health and hygiene. This opened up a healthy discussion regarding all things menstruation and concluded the same with the distribution of reusable cloth pads to all the women present.

  5. Kaarmad Drive: To bring 2023 to a triumphant end, we conducted the last drive of the year, reaching out to 160 women & girls across three different locations; Kaarmad Haadi, Vijayalakshmi College and Ponnapsanthe School. In detail workshops were conducted to spread awarness about periods, why menstrual hygiene is crucial, and the know-hows of the reusable cloth pads that were distributed.

  6. Nittoor Drive: Energized by the success of 6 impactful drives in 2023, Nittoor was our first target of 2024. Here, we continued the momentum with an interactive workshop at the Kaarmad Panchayat and Vijayalakshmi College. Over 120 women and girls participated in a discussion focused on the importance of menstrual health and hygiene. The session provided a safe space for open dialogue, encouraging them to ask questions. Following the workshop, we concluded the drive by distributing reusable cloth pads to all participants. This ensures that these women are equipped with a sustainable solution to manage their periods.

By reaching remote communities and prioritizing education alongside resource distribution, we're weaving a stronger support network for women and girls across Kodagu. As we embark on future drives, this dedication to inclusivity will remain at the forefront of our mission.

Pavi's menstrual health initiative has sparked a powerful movement across Kodagu. But the journey towards menstrual equity requires continued collaboration. Here's how you can be a part of the change:

  • Become a Support System: Donate to Pavi and empower us to reach more women and girls with essential resources and educational workshops.

  • Join the Movement: Volunteer your time and skills to support future drives.

  • Amplify our Voice: Spread the word about our mission on social media or within your network. Every conversation helps break the stigma and fuel this movement.

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