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Community Development

The community development vertical focuses on uplifting underprivileged families and children through education, empowerment, and skill-building, while preserving the rich cultural heritage of the Kodava community. By addressing the holistic needs of individuals and families, Pavi aims to foster self-reliance and improve quality of life through sustainable programs.

  • Adopt a school

  • Adopt a family

  • Build a skill

  • Foster culture and heritage 


Objective of Verticle:

  • Enhance Microeconomic Growth: By empowering families through skill, education, and employment, we aim to improve their economic status and foster local entrepreneurship, creating a thriving microeconomic ecosystem.

  • Integrate Sustainable Living: We promote environmentally sustainable practices by encouraging responsible resource management and conservation efforts, ensuring that development meets present needs without compromising future generations.

  • Foster Social Cohesion: Our initiatives aim to build a strong sense of community fostering mutual support and cultural exchange to enhance social bonds.

  • Support Holistic Family Well-being: By providing comprehensive support to families, we aim to improve overall quality of life, ensuring that all community members can thrive in a sustainable environment.

Adopt a School

What We Do:

Adopt a school program under Pavi is designed to uplift under resourced schools by addressing their infrastructural, educational, and resource needs.


  • School Refurbishment: Focuses on upgrading the physical infrastructure of schools, including repairing classrooms, improving sanitation facilities, and providing clean drinking water. The goal is to create a more conducive environment for learning, especially in underfunded rural schools.

  • Computer Lab Setup: Establishes computer labs with modern equipment to enhance digital literacy among students. Thisincludes providing computers, internet access, and basic IT training to students and teachers.

  • Honorarium Support: Offers financial support to teachers and staff in schools with limited resources, ensuring they are adequately compensated for their work. This can help retain quality educators in rural and underprivileged areas.


Adopt a Family

What We Do:

Designed to provide holistic support to underprivileged families, addressing their immediate needs and fostering long-term empowerment.


  • Women Empowerment:

    Pad Distribution Drives: Providing sanitary pads to women and girls, along with education on menstrual hygiene.

    Health and Hygiene Programs: Organizing workshops and awareness sessions focused on women's health.

  • Child Care:

    Scholarships: Financial assistance for children's education, ensuring equal opportunity.

    Tab/Laptop Distribution: Providing tools to enhance digital literacy & facilitate online learning.

  • Full Family Support:

    Awareness Sessions: Workshops that cover a range of topics, aimed at improving overall family well-being.

    Job Placement: Assisting unemployed family members in finding jobs by connecting them with local employers and providing training, thereby enhancing family income & stability.

    Grocery Support: Providing essential food supplies to families, ensuring they have access to basic nutrition and reducing food insecurity.

Build a Skill

What We Do:

The Skill Development initiative focuses on empowering individuals in the community through sustainable practices that enhance their livelihoods and promote local resources.


  • Promotion of Local Farming: This component aims to strengthen the agricultural foundation of the community by encouraging practices that enhance productivity and sustainability. 

    Honey Sales: By supporting local beekeepers, this program facilitates the production and marketing of honey. Training on beekeeping techniques, quality control is provided, increasing the income of local farmers while promoting sustainable practices. 

    Kachampuli Sales: This focuses on the production and marketing of traditional Kodava vinegar.

  • Bamboo Conservation Program: This program encourages sustainable practices in bamboo cultivation and product creation. We promote the use of bamboo in daily life by encouraging its cultivation and integrating it into everyday products, supporting both sustainability and local craftsmanship. This initiative bridges environmental conservation with livelihood development, fostering a culture of sustainability in the community


Foster Culture and Heritage

What We Do:

This initiative focuses on preserving and promoting the rich cultural legacy of the Kodava community while embracing traditional knowledge systems.


  • Naad Maddh (Traditional Medicine): This program seeks to safeguard and revive the indigenous medicinal practices of the Kodava community. It involves documenting traditional knowledge of local plants, herbs, and healing practices to educate younger generations. The initiative promotes natural and holistic healthcare, preserving a unique aspect of Kodava heritage while offering alternative health solutions to the community.

  • Promotion of Kodava Culture: This program actively works to maintain and celebrate the cultural identity of the Kodava people. The initiative encourages younger generations to take pride in their heritage. We've been using social media to document all of our cultural and heritage work. Our Pavi instagram page serves as a platform to showcase and share our efforts


Objective of Vertical:

  • Conservation and Restoration: Increase green cover through plantation drives, promote biodiversity, and restore degraded ecosystems.

  • Waste Management and Cleanliness: Implement effective waste management systems to reduce environmental degradation, conduct cleanup drives, and set up waste collection units.

  • Community Engagement: Foster a sense of environmental responsibility within the community, encouraging sustainable practices through awareness programs and providing livelihood opportunities like honorariums for waste collectors.

  • Sustainability: Implement eco-friendly practices in alignment with the community's cultural heritage to ensure long-term harmony between people and nature.

The environment vertical emphasizes ecological sustainability by promoting reforestation, waste management, and conservation efforts. Together, these initiatives aim to build a self-sustaining, interconnected community that thrives while respecting its cultural and environmental heritage.

Plantation Drives

What We Do:

The Plantation Drives initiative under PAVI’s environment vertical is aimed at revitalizing Kodagu's natural ecosystem by encouraging reforestation and promoting sustainable land use.

This initiative focuses on planting native trees, medicinal plants, and fruit-bearing species to restore biodiversity, combat soil erosion, and contribute to the community’s agricultural sustainability. Involving local schools, farmers, and volunteers, the initiative also educates participants about the ecological importance of tree cover and its role in combating climate

change. The plantation drives help foster a culture of environmental stewardship, ensuring the region’s green legacy for future generations.


Solid Waste Management

What We Do:

This initiative aims to create a cleaner, more sustainable environment by addressing the growing issue of waste management. This initiative focuses on educating communities, promoting responsible waste disposal practices, and ensuring that waste is effectively managed through a series of targeted programs:


  • Cleanup Drives: Pavi regularly organizes community cleanup drives at community and school levels to reduce litter and pollution. These drives involve volunteers, local residents, and children, aiming to foster a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship. By cleaning up natural areas and public spaces, the initiative not only improves cleanliness but also raises awareness about the importance of waste reduction.

  • Setting up Waste Collection Units: To ensure that waste is properly sorted and disposed of, Pavi facilitates the creation of waste collection and segregation units in local communities. These units provide a centralized location where residents can dispose of their waste responsibly, helping to separate recyclables, compostable materials, and non-recyclable waste. This system encourages recycling and proper waste disposal, reducing the burden on landfills.

© 2024 by Pavi

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